Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies? Nobody really knows! Today, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse. However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding … Continue reading →

Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies? Nobody really knows! Today, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse. However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding … Continue reading →
The first women to hold the title of “First Lady” were in amazing group of strong and dedicated women! They were very different one from another and each added something unique and wonderful to the national experience. Beginning with Martha … Continue reading →

The Founding Father never gave a moment’s thought to the role of the President wife. In fact, the term “First Lay” itself would be unknown for fifty years! Nonetheless, the first women to hold the title of “First Lady” were … Continue reading →

The Founding Father never gave a moment’s thought to the role of the President wife. In fact, the term “First Lay” itself would be unknown for fifty years! Nonetheless, the first women to hold the title of “First Lady” were … Continue reading →