On June 8, 2023, it was announced former President Donald Trump became the first president in American history indicted for a felony after leaving office. Every media story used the word “unprecedented.” Although the indictment of former President Trump was, … Continue reading →

First Ladies of the 20th and 21st Centuries When Martha Washington became our first First Lady, she stepped into a roll with no job description and no precedent. She handled the position with grace and polish. however, each of the … Continue reading →

James Madison and the Founding Fathers were deeply concerned about what would happen if a president lost his moral bearing and committed crimes while serving as chief executive of the land. Their concern led them to include impeachment in the … Continue reading →
Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading →
Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading →